Japanese kimono
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What is a traditional Japanese kimono?
The traditional Japanese kimono is an ancient garment that is most often confused with training clothes. It is a commonly used outfit for learning martial arts. The kimono was originally adopted by many people long before western clothing was introduced to Japan. Today it is revealed as a traditional Japanese dress and is worn for special occasions. Find out everything you need to know about this garment in the rest of this informative post.
How to wear a traditional Japanese kimono?
The way to wear a traditional Japanese kimono and the accessories to dress up differs according to gender.
For men
The traditional Japanese kimono for men is usually worn with a set of up to five accessories. In addition to these, there are other items such as:
Tabi socks;
Zori sandals.
For a better efficiency, different methods can be used to wear the traditional Japanese kimono for men. This garment can be used as a coat and can be worn loosely on the body. However, you need to make sure that its back edge is well adjusted above the ground. In addition, you should make sure that the wrap on both sides surrounds the upper part of the body. In addition, you can tie the himo or koshihimo so that it surrounds your waist. To secure it, you just need to make a simple knot after tying it.
At this stage, you can also protect the excess fabric with your himo. In practice, this means pulling on the collar to properly adjust the excess fabric. To better enjoy the traditional look of your Japanese kimono, it is also possible to wear it with a geta. The geta is a pair of shoes made of wood. However, there are other types of sandals adapted to this garment like the zori. You will find on the market, many other accessories that combine perfectly with the traditional kimono man.
For women
Unlike the previous model, the traditional Japanese kimono for women requires the combination of many accessories. It can be worn directly over a basic outfit like a large jacket. You can also wear it to complement another garment in a graceful way.
On the other hand, if you want to show a totally different style, you can make it a master outfit. Most western women prefer to wear it with a loose fitting garment. This is usually the haori, a jacket that is most often worn over the kimono. Moreover, this jacket is available in most Japanese clothing stores and online stores.
How were traditional kimonos used in the past?
In the past, traditional Japanese kimonos were initially used as professional clothing.
The different professions involved
The Japanese traditional kimono was particularly worn by:
Police officers;
Public transportation workers;
Following an edict of the Meiji Emperor, the traditional Japanese kimono became a popular garment for everyone. It was gradually replaced by Western clothing and is now worn as an everyday garment. The traditional Japanese kimono was also adopted in most professional training centers.
In 1923 following the KantÅ earthquake, this garment was more worn by certain categories of individuals. This was particularly the case for people who had suffered from pickpocketing. A few years later, the group of designers of women kimono and children’s outfits promoted Western clothing.
The decline in the wearing of this clothing
From 1920 to 1930, the uniform usually worn by sailors was replaced by the hakama. In addition, the 1923 fire at the Nihonbashi warehouse in Shirokiya reduced the wearing of the traditional Japanese kimono. From 1940, the kokumin-fuku, a men kimono became a requirement for all men . Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see Japanese men wearing western clothes. However, the tradition of kimono remains rooted in their culture.